Friday, January 8, 2010

So ya think you're pretty slick there huh?

It's been a while since I had to write anything about this scenario, over 5 months. I have been running kind of an experiment. I purposely haven't made any posts about a certain individual to see if that would have any effect on this individual harassing us. But I just had to comment on this one since I have some free time.

On December 18th, 2009 I received an email from a website called saying "Thanks for your feedback". HUH? I never went there and submitted any feedback. So I just figured it was my wife that left some comments about the school our younger 2 children are in and blew it off.

Low an behold 3 days later I get the following email from the same website sent to MY email address;

Thanks for submitting your comments about your child's school. We appreciate your taking the time to provide your insights.

The goal of our Reviews and Ratings system is to enable parents to share their experiences about a school with other parents. We've found the most valuable reviews are those that express your opinion in a respectful way. The review should be concise and relevant to the overall quality of the school.

We do post both positive and negative reviews, but they must meet our editorial guidelines, which you can see here:

Unfortunately, we're unable to post your review because:

The review does not meet our editorial guidelines.

To give you an idea of the kind of positive and negative reviews we accept, here are two samples of reviews we have posted:

"I have two children currently attending this school. It is a warm and caring community with wonderful parents and wonderful teachers. The quality of the instruction has been great and my kids have been challenged and pushed to do their best consistently. Parent groups like the PTA and Dad's Club do an amazing job of fundraising and building a sense of community. In addition, the school is a community where kindness and respect do not take a back seat to the curriculum. It is a wonderful place for my children to spend their days and I am pleased to be part of such a great community."

"The parents at this school have worked very hard and have fought tooth and nail to keep desirable programs, like art and music, afloat. And of course, the kids are great! Unfortunately, leadership is lacking at this school and the teaching my child received was very uneven. Personal experience with some teaching staff was extremely unprofessional. A small school like this one doesn't afford much choice when teachers aren't meeting your child's need. And the principal is doing very little to weed out those teachers who are just "biding their time," while they waste the precious time of the students they are trained professionally to serve and inspire."

Your review:

Random thoughts that might make people angry: but it's my blog .. August 10, 2009. If you are against abortion,then don t get one; BUT, do not tell me what I can or can not do with my body, especially when it comes to my health,well being or any other personal life altering effect that might arise from my sexuality. I also believe, if the pro-lifers would put even a small percentage of the energy they expend on trying to reverse Roe v. Wade, the world would be a better place. Volunteer at a homeless or battered women s shelter. Start a food pantry,lobby for a better daycare system and childcare in your neighborhood. Promote more than an 'abstinence only' program in the nation. Take a psychology or sociology class at your local community college to better understand human nature. There are so many other things that can be done to improve our society other than standing in front of buildings such a planned parenthood or abortion clinic holding up signs and harassing women who are already in a personal dilemma.

More on abortion: If faced with more options and support, a woman would probably never opt for an abortion. Making a decision like this, is not easy and if it is , then that woman definitely does not intend to care for that baby and should terminate her pregnancy. If you believe in Christianity,Scientology or any organized religion/cult, I think you should keep your beliefs private. That is a personal choice , something for in your home and amongst your family. I do not believe that someone on the street corner screaming quotes from the Bible/Koran etc are the word of any God. They are the word of man and I mean man,not women and not any kind of spiritual being. Rush Limbaugh should not be taken seriously and those who do, scare the 'crap' out of me. He is a 'shock jock', no more or any better than the likes of Steve Dahl,Mancow ,Howard Stern and the many others before or after the ones I grew up listening to. Some of the public believes the slant and spin that Rush has an art for creating, and I will admit he has a talent for it, but they go no further in investigating the whole story,looking for the truth or to hear both sides of a story.That is very scary!

GreatSchools relies on parents to help other parents by providing insights on the experiences you've had with a particular school. We encourage you to re-submit your review with the above in mind.

Thanks again for being a valuable member of GreatSchools.



GreatSchools is an independent, nonprofit organization that inspires and empowers parents to be involved in their children's educational success.

Hmmm. Something's not right here! I didn't post what's under "Your Review". After some investigating I find that it's a straight rip from a post my wife made on her personal blog. WTF? Someone went and snagged her post and tried to post it to under MY email address for OUR kids school?

Melbourne TraceSo I start checking my logs and low and behold what do I find? Someone was on my wife's website at almost the same time the original post attempt was made on (approx. 5:30-6:00am CST). The ip address,, traces back to Melbourne, FL A Time Warner/Road Runner ip block. The user agent was Firefox v3.0.16(out of date) running on a Windows 5.1/Vista(POS) machine.

So I know exactly what's going on now! Seems my wife's ex-husband bought yet another new laptop on eBay back in November, this guy goes through laptops and computers like water, figures seeing he buys them all off eBay, and it looks like he decided to wake up and fuck with us, or he's still working the lowly night shift and did it after he got home. I found out through a little birdie, this guy has pissed off many people, that last August he bought a new house in Melbourne without having sold his old house yet. Must be nice in this economy! I guess it's to be expected from a man like him.

See, we finally gave up trying to get him to pay any of his own boys college tuition after over 5 years of battling with him in court. During these 5 years this guy was found "without just cause or provocation" for both not paying what he previously agreed to pay in court and for harassing us via email and the telephone and has had to pay part, if not all, of our attorney fees twice. So now that he can't mess with us in court anymore, he's trying to use the web to harass us. Real mature!

So my question to this guy is, what is your problem? Pissed because you can't mess with us in court any more? Pissed because you had to pay our legal fees AGAIN? Pissed off because I haven't posted anything about you in months? I see you didn't bother to send so much as a card for any the boys birthdays this year or for Christmas! Some loving father you are! Only when it's convenient and only when you can harass us huh?

What's next? Are you going to keep attempting to make posts on the web using our identities? You do realize that thanks to your buddy G.W. and the slew of new internet law I could have you brought up on charges for using a false identity if I felt like it! Also know that I still have copies of ALL your harassment towards us to show a pattern! Every web access, every harassing email, video and still pics of your phone harassment, your purchase of hacking software on eBay, proof in your own words you have my SS#, everything! But I would much rather use my money and resources to help further both my step-sons college educations and try and make a better life for all my kids instead of wasting it on a pile like yourself.

So thank you for proving my experiment a success! You are going out of your way to harass us! I guess the only thing that can be hoped for is that during the next hurricane season, one hits the coast of Melbourne, FL. ;-)

1 comment:

bytor2112 said...

UPDATE: So it seems I was right. The above mentioned individual confirmed the new ISP account by sending me an email the other day from a Road Runner account( .

I guess he found my wife's eBay account and sent a link to a hoodie she bought me for xmas. Big deal! See, my wife doesn't have a problem with eBay. She doesn't buy cars, boats, hats, pretty much everything on eBay. Where it seems that this guy does! Crappy computers (you should see the pieces of crap he's bought the boys), 2 Mercedes or BMW's, I don't remember off hand and don't feel like looking it up, 2 boats, and just tons of little bullshit like musical xmas light timer boxes, not to mention "hacking tools", I can only imagine what type of script kiddie tools are in it.

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